
I heard about mortgage modification firms at a time when I was in a financial turmoil and I was repaying my mortgage. I contacted one of the mortgage modification firms when I realized I would lose my home. The mortgage modification company promised to settle the mortgage repayment balance on condition that I would be paying the remaining amount at a lower rate on a monthly basis. I was happy for that and I started making monthly payments to them. I was astonished on the fourth month to get a call from the original mortgage lender informing me that I was given one month to repay the mortgage or I would lose the home. I contacted the mortgage modification company to enquire how they were repaying the money. They said there was no such arrangement I had made with them and since there was no evidence I lost my money. I contacted US Legal network Beverly Hills’ who assisted me in legal proceeding to recover the money. I thank US Legal Beverly Hills for the help.